Lab 7
This lab is long and challenging, split across has several parts. Be sure to read the instructions before beginning. Please submit your answers in writing on Canvas.
Explain Cimino’s desiderata in detail, devoting at least one page to each desideratum.
Write a short essay (no less than 2000 words) giving your personal opinion of semantic interoperability in biomedicine.
Since we haven’t discussed this topic in the course so far, please compare and contrast SNOMED CT and ICD (no less than 1500 words).
Just kidding.
I appreciate all your hard work so far on the labs and the midterm, especially. This week will have a very simple assignment.
- Tell me how you think you’ll use symbolic methods in the future (after this class ends). If you don’t think you’ll use them in the future, explain why. (~200 words)
- I want this class to be valuable for you. Do you have any feedback about the course for me? (e.g. labs, class, assignments, etc.) Is there anything you want to cover that we haven’t covered or aren’t scheduled to cover?